Thinking of updating or modernizing the look your home? Do you need some new pieces, to revitalize & refresh a space? If you only had the time, to get some shopping done! Let an interior decorator, with an elegant eye for design, redecorate & do some personal shopping for you! You can reap all the rewards, without the hassle or hurry. A zealous interior designer will venture out and find, magnetic type pieces that not only add character but charisma & confidence to any area in your home!
Don’t buy a bedroom suite, but collect your pieces separately, generally cheaper and always the decorator’s way of furnishing.
Dorothy Draper
Interior Designers love to shop, therefore, they do it often & they do it well. Creating an exquisite & exceptional space, takes a lot more than a credit card & a great store. After numerous expeditions, rummages & finds I’ve definitely acquired value from my own personal shopping. Learning how to shop, like an interior designer can be easy, but first you have to master the trade.

For a house to be successful, the objects in it must communicate with one another, respond and balance one another.
Andre Putman

My first words of wisdom regarding personal shopping, are to be optimistic & have plenty of patience. If you have a new residence & are eager to interior decorate, don’t purchase items, to simply fill a space. Take the initial time to interact with your surroundings, develop a keen sense & feel for your home. Ponder, deliberate, question & consider before any substantial, splurges or spends. Both interior decorating & personal shopping readily go hand & hand. Therefore I consider these straightforward questions before I redecorate a space.
- What do I need to improve the space? Coffee table, lounge chairs, art
- Do I have enough storage?
- Does it lack & need color?
- Is the environment portrayed how I want it to feel? friendly, warm, inviting
- Am I interested in pieces with longevity & life, or quick pick finds, for the here & now?
- Is this piece functional, fashionable, both?
All the necessary elements of a room should not arrive on installation day.
Room should always be left for the things we will acquire…the objects we cannot live without.
Charlotte Moss
When requested to do personal shopping, regardless of a clients budget, I attempt to invest in pieces, that add value to a clients surroundings. Furnishings that have purpose & cultivate their home. If your undersized on storage & like everything to have its place, consider furniture with doors, extra drawers & spare shelves. If your daydreaming about color but favor a neutral wall, slot in different accents like pillows & rugs, toss blankets, art & lush looking plants. Sweet treats, snacks, flowers & fruit are additional fun ways, to incorporate color.

The most beautiful rooms are those that retain a feeling of not being quite finished. There is still a place for a painting on that wall, still a chair to be found that will suit that corner… meanwhile the room stays alive, young and growing.
Michael Taylor

Enough is enough with the neutrals, your tired of beige, lackluster grey, boring old black & brown. You want some excitement, some boldness & color, a room that breaths character & filled with some fun! Spark interest in your home ingeniously, with purchases, you won’t regret. Trendy designs & perky bright colors, can effortlessly intrigue us all, but unless you have the means to redecorate often, “to be conservative, is to be clever.” Sizable pieces like sofas, have tendencies to stay dormant, once placed. Although you might love, that flirty floral now, fashions & styles do change. So instead of prematurely dating your home, opt for the utilitarian choice. Select large furnishings, that are versatile, ones that readily adapt. You can still add drama through textiles, just do it in a manageable way. Smaller scaled items like drapery, cushions, & rugs are much more fitting to do away with, once you tire of the look.